International Finance

Whether you are looking for a role in the provision and management of financial services or planning to undertake research in the area, this course will equip you with the appropriate theoretical and practical learning.

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Key Facts



MSc (Hons) International Finance

Degree Duration

15 months :

3 months pathway (1 term) + 1 year degree

18 months :

6 months pathway (2 terms) + 1 year degree


Pathways Available



Start Dates

April | January | September

Degree Overview

Designed for students from a wide variety of non-financial disciplines and employment backgrounds, this course combines mathematical and communication skills to offer you a rounded approach to the world of international finance.

MSc International Finance will enhance your employability and open the doors to a global career. You’ll be eligible for graduate level positions in areas such as banking, insurance and finance.

As well as communication and presentation skills, vital in this complex industry, you’ll gain knowledge of accounting practices, statistics, financial management, banking and insurance, plus a thorough overview of the international financial environment.

You’ll graduate with the technical and informational analysis skills you need to create a rewarding career in the industry and the means to apply your knowledge of research methods.

Click here to visit the university website for more detailed course and module information

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You may incur additional costs during your education at the University over and above tuition fees in an academic year such as laptops, stationary and additional resources.

How you’ll be taught during your degree

This is a full-time course and you will learn by a variety of teaching methods including lectures, tutorials and independent study.

Why Study this Degree

We are a Top 10 UK University for Hospitality, Event Management and Tourism (Guardian GUG, 2023).

ENU is home of the Tourism Research Centre, which is dedicated to maximising positive impacts for the sector.

Your Pathways

The Pre Masters Program will prepare you for the UK, EU or US study system, giving you the confidence and skills that you’ll need to go further in your studies. Depending on your academic qualification and English language level and chosen programme, you can study the IIM over one or two terms.

What’s the difference between the one or two terms?
One Term Two Terms
3 months of study Six months of study
Additional academic English and subject-related support


Learn more about Pre-Master's