Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Logistics and supply chain management throughout the world has never been the subject of so much public, organisational, and academic debate as in recent years. Logistics and supply chains have become a prominent and dynamic area in a wide range of industries and sectors.

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Key Facts



MSc (Hons) Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Degree Duration

15 months :

3 months pathway (1 term) + 1 year degree

18 months :

6 months pathway (2 terms) + 1 year degree


Pathways Available



Start Dates

April | January | September

Degree Overview

This programme aims to develop your knowledge, critical appraisal, and reflection of practice, of supply chains, logistics, and analytics. Therefore enabling you to:

1. Gain knowledge and skills necessary for successful strategic supply chain management and logistical thinking, within the context of dynamic local and global challenges.

2. Source, analyse, and critically appraise various types of business data and practice.

3. Integrate cutting-edge strategic research and practice to achieve business transformation.

Graduates from the programme will receive an exemption from the academic requirements for membership (Chartered Member or Full Member) of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.

Click here to visit the university website for more detailed course and module information

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You may incur additional costs during your education at the University over and above tuition fees in an academic year such as laptops, stationary and additional resources.

How you’ll be taught during your degree

You’ll learn by a variety of teaching methods including lectures, guest lectures, workshops and independent study. The programme utilises a student centred problem-solving approach. You are supported and encouraged in workshops to work collaboratively on analysing scenarios and cases. There is also a live business challenge.

Degree Assessments

Throughout the course, there will normally be two pieces of coursework per module. There is also a dissertation which allows you to become an expert on a specific topic.

Your Pathways

The Pre Masters Program will prepare you for the UK, EU or US study system, giving you the confidence and skills that you’ll need to go further in your studies. Depending on your academic qualification and English language level and chosen programme, you can study the IIM over one or two terms.

What’s the difference between the one or two terms?
One Term Two Terms
3 months of study Six months of study
Additional academic English and subject-related support


Learn more about Pre-Master's